This means drugs (party) and sex (play). This person likes to use drugs, like crystal meth or cocaine, during a hookup.
This person is the insertive partner during anal sex.
This person has tested negative for HIV, so they are believed to not be infected with the virus. Remember you can only know your status with a test!
This month
This person has been tested for HIV within the last month.
About Me
"BB" (aka, barebacking) is when a person wants to or expects to have anal sex without a condom. "NSA" means "no strings attached."
That's correct! It's never a good idea to use drugs, but using drugs before (or during) sex can increase your risk for HIV/STIs. This is because you might do riskier things than normal, like not using a condom.
Less Risky
It's true that some sexual acts can put you at a higher risk for HIV, but as long as you protect yourself, you can still have safe (and fun!) sex.
Less Risky
A negative HIV test is generally a low risk for infection, but it's always a good idea to use protection (like condoms and PrEP) in case the person was recently infected with HIV or has another STI.
Less Risky
A recent test date is great, but we still recommend using condoms in case he was recently infected with HIV or another STI. We also recommend getting re-tested every 3-6 months to be sure of your status.
That's correct! Anal sex without protection (like condoms and PrEP) is the highest risk for HIV and STIs. We recommend always carrying condoms with you and planning to use them.