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Looking For:
Hiv Status:
HIV-Positive, Undetectable
Last Tested:
9 Months Ago
About Me:
No agenda, open to most things. I only play safe.


This person is interested in chatting online.


This person alternates between being the insertive and receptive partner during anal sex.

HIV-Positive, Undetectable

This person is HIV positive but takes medicine that keeps them healthy and lowers the risk for transmission. Remember you can only know your status with a test!

9 Months Ago

This person has been tested for HIV within the last 9 months.

About Me

This person is not looking for anything specific; they are open to having fun, chatting, making friends, dating, or whatever comes. This person also makes sure to have safe sex.

Less Risky

This is not a risk for HIV.

Less Risky

It's true that some sexual acts can put you at a higher risk for HIV, but as long as you protect yourself, you can still have safe (and fun!) sex.

Less Risky

Having an undetectable viral load makes the risk for HIV infection very, very low. However, it's always a good idea to use protection (like condoms) because a person's viral load can change and you want to protect yourself from STIs.


That’s correct! Guys who have sex with guys should be tested for HIV as well as STIs every 3-6 months. Even though this guy is HIV-positive, he could unknowingly have another STI because he hasn’t been tested in a while.

Less Risky

As long as you’re being safe, hooking up can be a low risk for HIV/STIs.